Provence Tourism  

A taste of Provence - Domaine du Dragon

   by Lukinosity
A taste of Provence - Domaine du Dragon by Lukinosity
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Picture taken in: Draguignan, Var

I was shopping for a different bottle of wine....a bit nicer than the normal boxed wine we enjoy (laugh if you like, but we live within our budget). I spied this little French number from the region of one of my flickr contacts. Here's to you safran83. Here's an old toast that I love....... "I'll drink to your health until I ruin my own."

tags : degustation, wine, cotes de provence, bouteille, France, vin, Provence


Picture uploaded by: Lukinosity - View this picture on Flickr
Picture taken on: september 07, 2010
Taken in: Draguignan, Var | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France 3102

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